خواندن بعدی
From the time that ASME’s founders, Henry R. Worthington, Alexander Lyman Holley, and John Edson Sweet, gathered in New York City for the first time in 1880 until today, ASME standards have changed over the years to include new construction …
رئیسی داشتم که پیرمرد دنیا دیده و البته تنهایی بود. تنها زندگی میکرد. یکبار ازش پرسیدم: “مهندس! شما چطور تنها زندگی میکنی؟ حوصلهات سر نمیره؟” پاسخ داد: “پسر جان! تو باید یاد بگیری چطور از تنهاییات لذت ببری، اونوقته که …
Special technical terms and their definitions (terminology) are a crucial part of every standard. These terms and their definitions specific to the standard must be crafted very carefully to avoid ambiguity. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases at the following …
When I started working at an engineering company, I fully understood that performance of an engineer depends on myriad factors. At the same time, I saw these two images in one of Joseph Edward Shigley’s books and saved them. Influences …