Have you just graduated from university? Have you just started working in an engineering company? Whichever it is… I recommend you to read the following presentation. Industries are from Mars, Universities are from Venus.
کامران خداپرستی مقالات.
– شیوع بیماری حصبه، زندگی و کودکی را به او که هنوز ۶ سال بیشتر نداشت تلخ کرد. اول مادرش و پنج روز بعد پدرش درگذشتند و سرپرستی او را پدربزرگش به عهده گرفت. – پس از دارالفنون به دانشسرای …
دانشکده های داشگاه شیراز بسیار پراکنده هستند مثلا دانشکده ی مهندسی شماره 1 در میدان نمازی و شماره 2 در خیابان ملاصدراست. دانشکده ی کشاورزی و دانشکده ی دامپزشکی در مکانی به نام باجگاه واقع شده اند که تا دروازه قرآن شیراز 12 کیلومتر فاصله …
It is quite remarkable that only 16, plus a few rare earth elements (REE), of the hundred or so elements in the periodic table can be combined in many subtle ways to produce the common steel alloys (carbon steels, stainless …
I first heard the word “Kevlar” in a movie… RoboCop (1987 ) ( right photo) The RoboCop’s armored frame was supposedly made out of titanium laminated “Kevlar”. “Kevlar” is a strong, heat-resistant, lightweight synthetic fiber that delivers high tensile strength …
Below is the ASTM A17 (the oldest standard I have) which withdrawn in 1945. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) was formed in 1898, founded by Charles B. Dudley, Ph.D., a chemist. ASTM A 17 – 1929
At 13.2 °C and below, pure tin transforms from the silvery, ductile metallic allotrope white tin (or β) having a body-centered tetragonal crystal structure to the brittle, nonmetallic, α-form grey tin with a diamond cubic structure. Accompanying this white to- …
MONEL is a group of alloys of nickel (from 52 to 67%) and copper, with small amounts of iron, manganese, and silicon. It is mainly used for its excellent corrosion resistance and is especially valued for applications in the marine, …
The owner of the photo above is best known For “Determining why the Liberty Ships were breaking in half during World War II” Do you know her name? You probably don’t know her. She was a metallurgist, a name lost in …
Piano wire, or “music wire”, is a specialized type of wire made for use in piano strings but also in other applications as springs. Piano wire has a very high tensile strength to cope with the heavy demands placed upon …
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